

February 7, 2020

Accomplished miniature style artist who was raised on Tarkwa Bay Island near Atlantic City Lagos

While at his standpoint one day, one of his figurative portraits impressed Sandra, a nature photographer who visits the Island for the first time. Wura notices that Sandra is new on the Island and offers her a warm reception and guidance to her photography; eventually, Wura and Sandra become very close and eventually after couples of visits, falls in love with each other.
Few weeks later, Wura’s creative works begin to attract attention on her blog and social media timeline and eventually he received an invitation from a TV station for an exclusive interview.
Sandra brings the news to Wura and she is invited for dinner with Binta; while at the dinner, Wura informs his Grandma about the TV invitation and Sandra’s agreement to take him to Lagos but the grandma objects to this, saying that he might be in danger if his identity becomes public. She then explains the events of the past and how his dad and mum was murdered.

Wura promises his grandmother that he will never reveal his true identity, so she permits him to go.

In Lagos, after the interview, Sandra takes him home to meet her step mother and step sisters.

At first, Wura tries to keep his word and reveals nothing exceptional about himself but after being intimidated by Sandra’s sisters and he is forced to reveal his true identity.

Enjoy the movie:

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